Saturday, June 16, 2018

Prologue: Time To Grow Up

Original Sim "Jenny" by Fantaflip (has been completely altered)
Seventeen year old Kali McGrath never thought she'd be worrying about having to get a job, paying bills or taking care of a house, at least while she was still enrolled in High School.  She thought there was still plenty of time before she'd have to really "grow up," and plenty of time to plan and decide what she'd be doing with her future.  That was the case up until one week ago when Nana passed away leaving the cottage in Windenburg to her.  
Original House "Rindle Rose Starter" by MissMargaretrose (minor changes)
Kali had been studying botany abroad the past few years, so she would basically be starting over at Windenburg's local High School.  That would mean new classes, new teachers, new classmates, and to top it off, there wouldn't be anyone at the house to help with homework or projects after school!  
With just over $4,000 Simoleons to her name, a cottage to manage and nobody waiting in the wings should she fail, Kali is left on her own with quite the uphill battle before her!


  1. Thank-u so much for taking the time to read the prologue for my new Sim story! I hope you enjoyed what you read and will come back as chapters are added! =)

    1. I really enjoyed this so far! Can't wait to see more.

    2. I ca't wait to share more of this story...Kali is so much fun to play with...the story has been coming to me quite easy! =)
