Chapter 1 - Getting Settled

I Deleted 2 Custom Paintings And A Decorative Flower 
When Kali stepped through the door of the cottage, she saw everything JUST as she remembered from last summer...clean and sparsely decorated with the just the essentials.  Nana was never the sentimental type, keeping photos or collecting trinkets wasn't something she ever did, so aside from a small box on the bookshelf, there wouldn't be any belongings that Kali would have to sift through.  Smiling, Kali remembered back to when her and Nana would sit on the sofa talking about their daily adventures or discussing their plans for the following day together.  Memories.  Memories are what this place had, and it would be full of them.


When dinnertime rolled around, Kali poked around in the old, rickety fridge.  There were a couple slices of cheddar cheese and some thin sliced ham, half a jar of Nana's homemade applesauce, a bit of milk and an unopened bottle of orange juice.  Nothing struck her fancy, so she moved onto rummaging through the cupboards.  There were a few boxes of cereal, some chips and a couple boxes of crackers, but not much else.  Kali made a mental note to pick up some groceries soon.  There was a few days worth of supplies now, but if she put it off too long, she'd be plunking down some Simoleons on pizza delivery.  Grabbing the opened box of SIMply Cheese Crackers, she sat down at the kitchen table listening to the sounds of the birds overhead and the crash of the ocean waves nearby.  


Last summer, when Kali had visited for a week, Nana had said she wanted to start up a garden for Kali to experiment in, so after  dinner, she headed outdoors to take a closer look at the property.  Aside from a couple decorative bushes, the only thing resembling a garden was the Plantain tree growing by the mailbox.
"I guess Nana didn't get a chance to get that started yet," Kali sighed sadly.
She vowed right then and there to carve out a garden area as soon as spring came around.  Someday, Kali mused, she'd grow the fabled Cow Plant, and the only way she'd even have a chance at doing that was hard work and lots of practice!
I Did Not Come Up With The Book Title - It's In Game
After watering the Plantain tree, Kali headed back indoors to relax a bit with a book, hopefully Nana had some interesting reads tucked in the bookcase.  Kali scanned through the neat rows of books and chose "Lucas Dark and The Increasingly Unlikely Series of Coincidences," plopped down on the sofa and dove into the interesting sounding mystery.  It wasn't long before the yawns started and Kali decided that it would probably be a good time to turn in for the night.  She gently placed the book back on the shelf, changed into her pajamas and slid into bed.  


No matter what Kali did, she could not fall asleep, there were just too many questions rolling around in her head.  Would she fit in with the other kids? Would she struggle to make friends?  What about getting caught up with her grades?  What if people asked about Nana?  Come rain or shine, tomorrow morning would be her first day at Buckingham High.  Kali hoped she'd find a group to sit with during lunch and above all, she just hoped for a good first day!  


It felt like she had just fallen asleep when her phone alarm went off signaling that it was time to get up and get ready for school.  Dragging herself from the warm covers, she shut off her phone alarm and plodded off to the kitchen for a quick bowl of cereal.  When she was done, she washed up the dishes, then hopped in the shower and was ready to leave exactly when she had needed to be.  Slinging her backpack over her shoulders, she headed off to school.    

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